why am i addicted to action figures

Is it weird to collect action figures?

Collecting action figures can be an incredibly fun and rewarding hobby. It can make you feel like a kid again. It can help you celebrate your love for your favorite movie, comic book or TV show.23-Jan-2020


Are collectors addicts?

“Although almost any behavior can become addictive, the pattern of behavior characteristic of collectors makes it especially prone to addiction. A sense of longing and desire — a feeling that something is missing in life — is temporarily met by adding to the collection.01-Sep-2013


How do I protect my action figures?

-Bubble Wrap Each Figure: Utilize small bubble wrap for every figure in your collection. Make sure you don’t wrap the figure too tight or it will damage the packaging. This keeps the bubble secure to the card and protects the card against rubbing or bumping the bin or other figures.19-Nov-2019


How do I stop collecting things?

Here’s ten tips to control your collection and hopefully rekindle your joy.

Stop thinking of your collection as an investment.

Set limits for yourself.

Quality can be better than quantity.

Avoid triggers.

Migrate toward the meaningful, completion isn’t mandatory.


Move to digital.

Showcase your stuff.



Do action figures increase in value?

It depends on the figure in question. Most figures will take around 20 years or so to increase significantly in value; however, there are some figures that will experience a big increase in value in a much shorter amount of time.03-Jan-2020


Why do adults buy action figures?

Aesthetics. Some fans love the designs so much that they collect figures just to “show them off” or decorate their rooms. Nostalgia. Some fans buy figures because of what they associate it with.


Is collecting a mental illness?

It is a mental health disorder that can cause great emotional and financial damage to a hoarder and their loved ones, and it can take many years—including a lot of hard work and patience—to get the behavior under control.04-Mar-2019


Why do I collect so much stuff?

Things Are Collections Of Memories & Meaning


Is collecting a form of OCD?

On Hoarders, collecting junk is maladaptive behavior that is a form of mental illness related to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). On Pickers similar people appear to be smart businessmen who enjoy buying and collecting old junk as a kind of hobby and as a way of earning money by selling what they accumulate.


How do I keep my action figures clean?

Put a small amount of soap on the toothbrush, just a small drop, and begin to give the figure, still wet from its soak, a gentle scrubbing. Do not use too much pressure, just enough to clean off the dirt and grime.15-Jun-2020


Should you keep action figures in the box?

Answer: If you want your figures to significantly increase in value, then you should keep them in the original packaging. Otherwise, it is completely up to you.22-May-2018


Do action figures last forever?

The materials that action figures are made from are far from indestructible, and can, over time, show signs of aging. Paint can chip or rub off; the plastic can become discolored, or dirt, grime, and dust can build up.17-Nov-2019


What are three signs of compulsive hoarding?

In addition to the core features of difficulty discarding, excessive saving and clutter, many people with hoarding disorder also have associated problems such as indecisiveness, perfectionism, procrastination, disorganization and distractibility.


What causes someone to hoard things?

People hoard because they believe that an item will be useful or valuable in the future. Or they feel it has sentimental value, is unique and irreplaceable, or too big a bargain to throw away.25-Jan-2021


Is it healthy to collect things?

Finding a viable method of stress reduction that works for you is vital for both your mental and physical health and collecting is a great form of stress reduction. Many collectors report that spending time with their collections leaves them feeling relaxed, less stressed, and better able to unwind.30-Jul-2018


What is the most valuable action figure?

The most valuable action figure of all time is this 1963 prototype G.I. Joe. Handmade by series creator Don Levine, he sold for auction in 2009 for $200,000.


What Batman figures are worth money?

10 Extremely Valuable Batman Figures (With Prices)

5 Ideal Official Batman Playset ($10,245)

6 Marx Batman Water Blaster ($4,210)

7 Transogram Batmobile ($3,290)

8 Ideal Captain Action Batman ($2,860)

9 Aladdin Industries Batman & Robin Lunchbox ($2,465)

10 Mego Batman’s Wayne Foundation ($1,425)



Which Star Wars figures are worth money?

What are the most valuable Star Wars action figures


When should you stop playing with action figures?

Originally Answered: At what age do most kids stop playing with toys


Is it weird to have anime figures?

No. Anime in any form is the same way as that. Of course, it’s different depending on where you grew up and who you’re friends with. If they don’t like collecting anime figures, then meet up with people who’re into anime figures so that you won’t have to bear with people calling out your harmless hobby.


Why do we grow out of toys

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